BostonBrew Has Moved

February 18, 2011 § Leave a comment

OK well not just yet. But by the end of February BostonBrew will be on the new pop culture and lifestyle blog, Chocolate Covered Classics!

I’ll post the site URL when it’s ready but until then, follow the ChoCoClas team on Twitter: @ChoCoClas

Cheers Big Ears!

BostonBrew is Getting a Makeover

January 31, 2011 § Leave a comment

Hong Kong brought blogging troubles but it made me realize this blog needs to get bigger.

Boston Brew is my tipsy little beer baby but I have so much more to offer than the delicious goodness in a glass – one Deena from Jersey Shore might say it’s a “blast in a glass”. It seems right to not only say hello to a brand spanking new year but also a new blog.

Still working on the deets so look out for a little food, a little fashion, a little TV and movie and a little more beer on my Twitter: @Katie_Kenny

See you soon Boston Brews!

Ching Ching, Cheers Big Ears and Salut!

New Camera. New Flipcam. New Year.

January 8, 2011 § Leave a comment

BostonBrew is not dead!

My Hong Kong holiday is nearing its end which means I have lots to post for the Hong Kong Edition or as I like to call it: “BostonBrew goes East”.

Why am I in Hong Kong? It’s a simple answer really… I’m from Hong Kong and I’m here for winter break.

So check in tomorrow for some of my beer-tastic adventures in one of the greatest cities in the world.

Happy new year beer-aholics!

Brain Fart: Feelings…

December 3, 2010 § Leave a comment

Tis the season of finals, sleepless nights and cramming to meet deadlines.

Amidst critiquing articles, taping the tree lighting ceremony in the Commons, editing three packages and working on my beer article, I took a break to load pictures from my camera for my blog. Obviously my camera and I have a lot in common.

My phone and I are synced

We talked for a while and I reminded her that in two weeks we’ll be flying to New York City and then Hong Kong.

Two weeks… just two weeks and I’ll be able to sleep again.

Brain Fart: Hazardous Situations

December 2, 2010 § Leave a comment

Working in the food service industry I have learned the importance of being clean. However, there is a fine line between being sanitary and being an idiot.


I guess i should be happy?

Odd Occurrences: Bar Marketing (the sequel)

December 1, 2010 § Leave a comment

Who knew Sketcher Shape Ups could be as sexy as they are sexy-bum-makers?

Here I am flipping around an old freebie nightlife paper when what should I come across but an ad for the most ridiculous bar in town:

I would have cut out the name of the bar if it didn’t mean sacrificing the beauty of this poorly executed ad. The beauty I am referring to  is not the cliched slutty school girls. Nope it’s the girl on the left.

She believes that Shape Ups increase sex appeal by just wearing them out to the club. I would hate to be the one to tell her what their real purpose is. She seems like such a sweetheart.

Birthday Bashing

December 1, 2010 § 2 Comments

It took a moment to realize I had taken a right out of my front door as if I was walking to a Faneuil Hall bar. Last minute weeknight drinks either happen at the bar I work at on Union Street or at one of my locals in the North End. I don’t think I ever actually make it to Canal Street.

Boston Beer Works guinea pigs

My friend, Birthday Girl said she wanted something different (Faneuil’s out) and she wanted beer (she was too lazy to decide and by saying “beer” she knew I would do the legwork). I checked out my list of “places to review” and boom, there it was jumping up at me like that nerdy kid in class who wants to present first: Boston Beer Works. I had foggy yet fond memories from my birthday when I went to the Fenway location but realized that might not be the  most honest account for readers.

Quickly tip-toeing over puddles and trying to avoid pushy umbrella people, I made it to a deserted Canal Street. Entire bar staffs were outside the entrances of their bars bitching about the lack of business and chain smoking cigarettes . Beer Works was the only bar on the street with any customers.

« Read the rest of this entry »

All I (Don’t) Want For Christmas: Disfigured Beer Glasses

November 25, 2010 § Leave a comment

While browsing the strange items upstairs in the Newbury Street Borders I found this little guy was sitting pretty on a crowded shelf.

Example of a great way to waste your money

Now I have a hard enough time in this country drinking beer out of such tiny glasses (all you bar owners out there know you’re serving 14 ounce beers while saying they’re 16 ouncers… Oh you know.) This type of gimmicky stuff entertains me in the store but I would never want someone to give me a glass with the inside carved into an upside down bottle. That doesn’t even make sense to me.

But why?

My opinion? If you’re picking out a gift for a beer enthusiast, skip this one. A better one is just around the corner and I’ll help you find it.

Tis the season!

Odd Occurrences: Banks

November 15, 2010 § Leave a comment

Sunday afternoon I found myself at a North End ATM before heading to the delicious Men Tei on Gloucester, between Newbury and Boylston.

No recycling for this guy

Interesting place to leave a massive Corona bottle…

Odd Occurrences: Bottles

November 14, 2010 § Leave a comment

Sometimes drunk people want their next drink to be super cold…


Sometimes drunk people get their hands on my drinks…

Sometimes drunk people forget they really wanted that super cold drink…

We never found the cap...

Thanks Jamie.

A wasted UFO